Ponorka Gallery
The Minor theatre has a beautiful interior with various nooks and niches. These niches have poetic names. We have Klicova dirka (Keyhole), Bonbonek (Candy), Matka (Mother), Usi (Ears), and Ponorka (Submarine). They are used for many purposes. Music sometimes plays In the Ears, in the Candycorner parents often take pictures of their children, and the Submarine (Ponorka) is an exhibition space where you will find remarkable works of children and grown-ups. Let yourself be inspired!
Current Exhibition
Hravá mozaika fotografií z minorských představení od našeho dvorního fotografa Zbyňka Hrbaty v galerii Ponorka. Nejméně do konce sezony si můžeš zavzpomínat “jak šel čas v divadle Minor”. Kolik představení jsi viděl? A kolik najdeš fotek z “Robina Hooda”? A kolik z inscenace “Nanuk”? Trochu ti napoví záznam z televizní obrazovky. A klidně si i nějakou hru “hledám fotku z..” o přestávce vymysli a hledej a hledej...
Exhibitions in the Ponorka
Exhibitions in our theatre are only a supporting programme, although we have exhibited a number of renowned authors. Very much appreciated. These were the people in some way related to our theatre. Artists that we contacted ourselves, but also for those who work with us seemingly unrelated. However, beautiful things are always connected and we always strive to convey to children and their parents the widest range of spiritual food. In previous years we have exhibited for instance: Andrea Sodomkova, Ruda Smid, Matej Forman, Frantisek Skala, Peter Nikl, Renata Vosecka, Martina Kopecka, Martina Stankova, children from artistic clubs Paleta, Roztoc, Zusle, Robert Smolik, Pavel Kodeda, Bara Cechova, Radka Mizerova, Dagmar Urbankova, Andrea Skalova, Petra Stetinova-Goldflamova, Kanako Koukalova a number of others.
Exhibitions are open to the public only when we play shows. Nevertheless, do not worry we do play often though!