Programme and tickets
What does it look like inside?
Minor yesterday and today
Minor Gallery
Ponorka Gallery
The Minor Theatre Shop
When you do not feel like going home yet
Have you seen a performance? Would you like to have some fun and learn something new at the same time? Register for a workshop! For families, schools and kindergartens.
Educational workshops
Follow up on viewed performance
Under the lead of a theater instructor
For both families and schools
Special workshops
With interesting artists
For a limited number of participants
In our Small Hall
Tramtarára... kvák
Tramtárie performance workshop
Soldier on patrol
Brothers of hope performance workshop I ran
Zá-to-pek performance workshop
This is Sherwood
Robin Hood performance workshop
Land of sounds?!
Land of sounds performance workshop
Being a Hussite for a while
The story of Lipany performance workshop
I am voting!
Democracy performance workshop
Become a spectator!
A meeting that will introduce you to the wonders of theater and theater etiquette.
Reading by play
Fun reading – parents included
With one foot in the circus
Discover the juggler or acrobat in you
Taking theater to class
How can we use a play in lessons?
In how many ways can we explain one learning topic?
How can drama class help the internalizing of learning?
A class trip to the theater
How to communicate with children in the theater and about theater
Let`s come around to sound
You can hear it!
Traditional film animation workshop
Shoot your own film
The secret of the dark chamber
Photography workshop
Print it!
Screen print workshop
Drum circles
Drumming around