When you do not feel like going home yet
The World Buffet
Most of our actors studied the alternative theatre and it shows on the stage! We allowed a bit of the alternative thing even at our theatre snack bar. Our World Buffet offers whimsical beverages from around the world and from the Czech Republic as well. Here not only a lover of new flavours will be satisfied but even proponents of a healthy diet. Use the hand-painted map made by our artist Jakub Zich for better orientation!
Theatre Backstage Tour
Are you wondering what it looks like in our dressing room? Where set pieces are stored behind the scene? Do you want to walk on the catwalk above the stage? If you please, join our tour! On Thursdays and Fridays after the performance is complete, our chosen actors will give you a guided tour behind the scenes. Interesting facts about the theatre will be revealed as well as the building.
Entrance fee is 30 CZK. Within our Programme Hand in Hand you can take a free tour! Interested? Please sign up at the box office before the performance.